Kavasa Foundation




JIVANAM is a medical health program conducted over rural areas, slum areas focusing on children’s and homeless people. We could see that there are many people who don’t have knowledge on their healthy practice by which they are getting affected by various diseases and also they won’t able to afford for medical treatments.

Without the proper awareness and knowledge, people are often left vulnerable to non-communicable diseases or NCDs. The Financial Express notes that a staggering 65% of deaths in India are a result of NCDs.

The number would be far less with medical guidance and behavioral support. The Indian Express notes that 50% of the elderly community is malnourished while 90% consume less than the recommended nutrient intake.

Longitudinal Ageing Study of India (LASI) found that 75% of the population suffer a chronic condition while at least 40% suffer from disabilities. Apart from physiological conditions, there has been a steady increase in mental health problems in the elderly population.

The LASI estimates that more than one in 10 people aged above sixty probably suffer from chronic depression.



Medical camps

Providing crematorium services

Medical emergency treatment support

Blood camps

Health awareness sessions

Helping with surgery for needy one

Providing Ambulance support